Lumina and the Business of Creativity

Lumina and the Business of Creativity


How can creativity transform Australia’s future economy? How can our creative skills unlock new forms of productivity and address wicked? problems? What is the future for work, IP and Australia’s place in the world once the robots have come for our jobs? 

AFTRS is launching a new Lumina podcast series at SCREEN FOREVER exploring these very questions. 

Host Fenella Kernebone will be leading a conversation on Screen Forever’s opening afternoon on how we can unlock the potential of new creative economy with global film heavyweight Greg Basser (Gentle Giant), international comedy empresario Mark Montefiore (New Metric Media) and tech and storytelling innovator Claire Evans (Grumpy Sailor). This panel will take place November 12 from 3.30pm - 4.30pm.

Following AFTRS Chair Russel Howcroft’s Creative Economy Deficit address at the National Press Club last year, new advocates and allies have been joining the cause to make the case for a ‘pivot’ based around a Creativity Manifesto:

Creativity is one of the most important assets we have today. We need to value it, to nurture it so that is can flourish and to embed it into our practices.  With the right conditions, our creative economy can become the powerhouse of Australia’s future.

How will this work and what does it mean in practice? And how do I make my creativity pay? Turn up and tune in to find out. 

Season two of Lumina is available soon on Acast, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. 


  • Russel Howcroft, AFTRS Chair and Chief Creative Officer at PWC

  • Georgie McClean, AFTRS Acting CEO 

  • Wendy Zuckerman, Gimlet Media

  • Zareh Nalbandian, Animal Logic

  • James Boyce, Grumpy Sailor

  • Christopher Nelius, Finch

  • Erika Soto Lamb, Comedy Central US and

  • Greg Basser, Gentle Giant Media (ex Village Roadshow) 

Season One of the Lumina Podcast series on how tech innovations challenge and shape the way we share stories is still available via  Apple Podcasts  or the AFTRS Website.

Image credit: Enzo Amato, TedX Sydney.

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