Eyes on the horizon

Eyes on the horizon


The Victorian Government is proud to be the Principal Partner of SCREEN FOREVER 2019 which this year explores ‘Storytelling in a Time of Evolution’.

The global screen industry is rapidly growing and evolving. The screen remains ubiquitous but advances in technology and new innovations are changing the way we make, distribute and enjoy content. 

Our recent announcement that Docklands Studios Melbourne is set to expand its capacity by 60 percent is a direct response to this growth. Through this project and other initiatives, we are positioning Victorian talent and businesses for the future. 

At 3,700sqm our new super soundstage, which will be open for business in 2021, will be one of the largest in the Southern Hemisphere. It will allow our state the flexibility to cater for a pipeline of screen projects – local and international, large and small – that put Victorian locations on screen and provide employment and training for our practitioners.

Like Screen Producers Australia, the Victorian Government through Film Victoria is also dedicated to finding ways to get more local stories on screen and amplifying voices from diverse communities across our state.

SCREEN FOREVER is the place where Australia’s best content creators come together with a stellar line-up of guests to look ahead and explore the new methods of telling stories that delight, educate, inform and inspire audiences around the globe.

Enjoy SCREEN FOREVER 2019 and your time in Melbourne, the capital of Australia’s creative state.  

Martin Foley MP
Minister for Creative Industries


CAAMA wins 2019 MediaRING Award

CAAMA wins 2019 MediaRING Award

Matthew Deaner opens SCREEN FOREVER

Matthew Deaner opens SCREEN FOREVER